Christmas wouldn't be the same without our tree. So many memories, in these ornaments....
One Christmas in the very late 80's, my Nan made this, My cousin got one too, Not sure if she still has hers, but I love my Peg Doll ornament, and it makes me feel like a little piece of Nanna and Poppa are celebrating right along side us!
My wonderful Mum gave me this angel, for my first Christmas after I moved out.
This beautiful lady, was another gift from my Mum, a few years back, my cheap and nasty tree was looking, well nasty, I was pretty upset about it. This ornament and some paper crafts with the kids gave me back my Christmas spirit that year!
Our 1st Christmas, another gift from my Mum! I love these guys!
Charlotte's Ornament , Which was actually purchased for her 2nd Christmas, because I was too broke for her 1st, I had the guy engrave "2001" anyway!
Imogene's Ornament, She adores her Booty, and is so careful with it each year.
Laura's, from 2006. She thinks the Teddy looks funny!
An Angel for our Abigail May, My 4th daughter, At the top of the tree, closest to the stars, One of only a handful of things that were her's. 2007 was a hard year.
Jocelyn's 2008 Ornament, I Loved the idea of sleep when I bought this one!
and Last but not least, Charlotte made this last year, I really love it!
The Baubles have come off already, Miss Jocie was playing with one, and popped the whole thing in her mouth!! Luckily she spat it straight out, then Mark held her while I quickly stripped the tree of the rest of them, Hopefully the year after next, we will be able to put things down low again and put the baubles on!
I'm almost finished my Christmas Shopping, but I still have to wrap everything, eek!
How are your Christmas preps going? Do you have special ornaments?