Four Shirred dresses!!, From left to right: Jocie in a little yellow sheer dress with a purple ribbon halter neck (which came out too small so will have to make another for her!), Imogene in a cotton voile cheater cloth, which used to be a maternity maxi dress of mine! Charlotte in a nice hot pink poplin (? I think?!) and Laura in another cut down maternity dress of mine, actually you can see the original of this one all the way back here.
The relief I feel at having figured out how to this, is actually quite funny! The dresses for the big girls have been on the cards for several months, Charlotte's has been through a few sessions of attempts, but finally, finally I can make Shirred Dresses!!! Thank you so much Amber!!
I love this photo, Its so rare that they are all smiling, and happy, and loving each other at the same time. The biggest two suggested that this one would be "good for the wall, mum!" And you know they are sooo right!