Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July Bee Blocks for Pam

Pam's blocks for July BSPDU #1

Pam's blocks for July BSPDU #2

Pam's blocks for July are the last ones for BSPDU, and the last ones for me for a while too. Ive really enjoyed being involved in both Bee Seam Piecing Down Under and The Australasian Bee, Ive learnt a lot and
"met" some awesome people.

Monday, July 25, 2011


Kitchen Window quilt #2 Finished!!

Quilted and bound, I am in love with this quilt!!! It came out so lovely, soft and wrinkly, I'm looking forward to snuggling up with it on the lounge :-)

Kitchen Window quilt #2 back

I can't quite make out the print on the back but it is the same as the cushion back below.

matching cushion

When I was cutting the fabric to send off to the Bee girls, I somehow got it into my head that they would need a 3.5" square.... yeah not sure how that happened, but it worked out well in the end, I whipped up the front of this cushion cover a few months ago, then added the borders from scraps the girls sent back to me, it is quilted with quite a loose large stipple compared to the quilt which is tighter and smaller.

cushion back

I love this backing fabric, I had originally bought it with the intention of making myself  skirt, but it is just not a colour that I would wear, there was however just the right amount for the quilt and the back of my cushion.

Chocolate Cake

We had Charlie's birthday party on the weekend, we had a lovely afternoon with her best friend and her (same age) Aunty. I knocked out this chocolate cake in the morning, you can't quite tell in this pic but the mound of strawberries in the middle was quite large, it was polished off pretty quickly I can tell you!!


In other news, I cut 8 inches off Miss Jocie's hair last night, she is such a cutie <3

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kitchen Window Quilt #2

Kitchen Window Quilt #2

The second quilt made from the blocks that the awesome girls in Bee Seam Piecing Down Under made for me! Unfortunately I ended up having to make 2 more blocks for this one, and with not enough kona charcoal for the frames, I decided to think outside the square (hehe) and go with a dark hot pink, (I think its Kona Pomegranate but I'm not sure) I'm really loving the effect!! This one is for ME!! Ive got the backing, binding and batting all ready to go, I just need to pick up some thread, I'm going to meander this is a light grey to match the Ash sashing, hopefully in the next week I'll have a finish to share :-)

Monday, July 11, 2011

!!!!!! TEN !!!!!!

Happy Birthday to you!!

My biggest girl turned 10 today!!

re-lighting candles? Awesome!

But she's not too old for tricky candles (magic re-lighting ones at that!!)

Jam and Cream filled Lamington cake

Jam and Cream filled Lamington cake....... oh yeah!

I think she liked her present!!

Gotta love this face, I think she liked her pressie!!! (and seriously I love these dolls!! I want one for myself so bad!!)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Finished Top ~ Fanciful Flowers in Wonderland

Finished top ~ Fanciful Flowers in wonderland

It was super difficult getting a photo of this quilt, its huge!! 86" x 94" in fact! It will be a long time before I will be able to show it finished, its going to be hand quilted, I'm hoping though it will be done by the middle of next winter, we'll see.