Monday, March 21, 2011

A bit busy...

Last week I started a course through OTEN, Diploma of Architectural Technology.
Last week I left a window open in my bedroom while I went out to do the school run and do a few errands, when I got home my front hall had water half way down it, my bedroom door was covered, my bedroom floor had water so deep it went over my feet when I stood on it, the opposite wall, 3+ metres from the window was wet. My mattress was wet. Thankfully, my FMF quilt with its lovely bamboo batting layer soaked up most of the water that hit the bed..... It was sooooooooooo heavy.
On the weekend we pulled back the carpet and hired a de-humidifier, it sucked out 30-35 litres of water out of our room, the carpet is dry, the mattress is dry and my house no longer has that putrid wet dog odour.
Today, I was supposed to be studying all day (its a distance course) instead I spent most of the day cleaning up after poor little miss Jocie who seems to have caught a tummy bug. I expect it to go through the rest of us over the coming week. Joy.

I'll be back soon...... maybe after the weekend? Hopefully with the finished project pics of my FMF quilt, maybe ill change its name....... mattress saver? nah.... any ideas??

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Quilting Bee Blocks for March.

March block for KaLily2010 ~1

This block was on my 'one day' list. Note the "was". Yep making 2 of these has cured me of the need to ever make any more. Its a lovely block, don't get me wrong, I love hst's, I really do. Its just this block, it nearly got  the best of me. Nearly. It was so much more time consuming then I could of imagined, probably 3 times the amount of time that I normally allocate. But the result I think is worth it, and I really cannot wait to see this beautiful beast put together, and at 16" per block it is going to be huge!! I was short less then an inch of yellow so the second block isn't finished. I'm sending it home to be fixed :)

March block for KaLily2010 ~2

These blocks were based off a quilt by Rita at Red Pepper Quilts, and requested by Nicole in Bee Seam Piecing Down Under

March blocks for Bronwyn ~1

Bronwyn from Whippet Good, requested rose blocks for her turn in the Australasian Bee. She sent out a great mix of pinks and greens, How freaking adorable is the carrot fabric?!

March blocks for Bronwyn ~2

I managed to knock out 3 blocks, the pink is 9.5" the green is 9" and the mix is 6"

March blocks for Bronwyn ~3

I had it in my head that I wanted to do a really really small block, like 2" but In the end I couldn't get my head around it, so 6" was the smallest I could really go with this one.

March blocks for Bronwyn

Love the three blocks together, they totally match Charlotte's quilt!

In other news, Ive finished my FMF quilt!!!! I slept under it last night for the first time!! You can see a sneaky peak over here. I just need to get some decent pics and do a round up post on it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Under the needle.

FMF monster ~ under the needle.

I'm just over the half way point of quilting my FMF monster. I'm really happy with the medium grey thread I chose, and the quilting itself is looking pretty good. (I don't do perfect!)

I'm also trying to decide what I should have the Bee Seam Piecing down under girls do for my month, in April, I keep changing my mind, any suggestions?