My beautiful sister in law gave birth to the most adorably perfect baby girl last Sunday, and of course as a super excited Aunty who quilts, the perfect gift of course was a quilt!
I'd had a star quilt in mind since my brother first rang to give me the news that they were expecting, I waited to find out if I was getting a niece or nephew before I did anything though, and by then I was working and just didn't get to it till after Christmas.
I'd seen a couple of interlocking star quilts round the blogosphere, so when I finally sat down to work out what I wanted to do, I kept going back to those, I pulled a stack of fabrics from my stash, then edited, pulled a few more, edited again, pulled a few more.... well you get the drift, it took me hours just to pick the fabric!!
Finally worked them out, worked out the size of the quilt then ducked into spotlight for the background, backing ( Denise Schmidt) and binding, and sat down and started cutting, it felt so good to be starting a new quilt, and I just kept going and going until it was done. The quilt arrived up north yesterday, and they loved it!!
I stuck with my usual all over stipple, but changed things up with the rounded corners and bias binding, its approx 40"x44" just perfect for a baby quilt that later on can be used as a child sized lap quilt.
I was half way through sewing the binding on when I read about the Sparkle Punch Quilt Along! mind you I tend to graph out all quilts before i make them weather from a pattern or from my head, I find its the best way for me to get my head around fabric requirements, and to work it all out.
Sorry I haven't replied to comments lately, or commented on any of your blogs, I'm back at work again now, and life is just crazy with my house of girls, one of these days ill get back to blogging and commenting and replying the last year has just been a blur of change for me.